Large: 30´ x 30´ for $5,000.

($4,000 in savings)

Medium: 24´ x 24´ for $2,500. 

($3,260 in savings)

Small: 16´x 16´for $1,000

($1,560 in savings)

Original pricing 

30´ x 30´ : 900 sq ft x $10 the sq ft: $9,000

24´ x 24´ : 576 sq ft x $10 the sq ft: $5,760

16´ x 16´ : 256 sq ft x $10 the sq ft: $2,560

Must be paid in full or in process within the week of the promo. Price includes delivery + technician, breakdown setup & pickup. 

this promotion was activated once you wrote SEND which means this offer is alive for the next 7 days.